Surely you are wondering what is the motivation for the development of new editor for editing text files, CSV files, and XML files.

There are already excellent and well-known editors on the market, such as:
Good text Editors
Text Editor Pro
TextWrangler resp. BBEdit
Visual Studio Code
Good CSV Editors
Big CSV Editor
Easy CSV Editor
Modern CSV
Rons CSV Editor
All of the editors listed are really useful programs that can be used to make one-time changes to individual files. These tools are also useful for viewing the contents of files.
However, as soon as changes need to be repeated and possibly executed in several files at the same time, you quickly realize that many editors are not designed for this.
An editor for repetitive processing
During data migrations, certain actions are often performed several times. Typically, test runs with various test data are performed before the final import can be completed. This means that files need to be reformatted and adjusted repeatedly for each stage.
With the popular editors, the necessary steps are often carried out manually. It is advised to document the actions frequently so that no intermediate step is forgotten.
This is where the special editor from 2S-Software can be of help: With our tool, the individual steps of necessary processing can be combined in a batch processing with little effort, so that the processes can be executed repeatedly. If required, functions can also be conveniently executed for several files at one time.
The special editor from 2S-Software
Our application is called "smasi CSV-Wizard" because it is not just a classic editor but a real data wizard. And "smasi" stands for smart and simple.
The following specific features are planned:
An assistant guides you smoothly through the selected work steps
You can edit multiple files in one step
You can bundle and combine functions in a batch process
You can easily automate repetitive operations
Batch files can be passed on and reused
Native program versions for macOS and Windows
Have you had similar experiences? Or what special requirements do you have? Send us an email with your ideas to